What Day Is It Today?

 For the many who didn't know what day it is today, well today is International Women's Day (IWD). Yes, you've heard right - it's International Women's Day, a global day to celebrate the achievements of women and a call to the world to bridge the gender inequality gap.

IWD means different things to many people and is marked in lots of different ways; some organise concerts, parties, speech day etc , others may give words of appreciation and gifts to the women in their life but I want to start this day with personal reflection and a story.

About two years ago I was struggling with juggling work with motherhood because I lived a little distance away from my office and the heavy traffic I faced constantly on the road to get to work was putting a strain on my physical and mental health. I worked the typical 8am - 5pm job with no flexible working arrangements or the option to work from home. I went through about 6 - 7 hours traffic everyday to get to work and back home and in order to avoid the traffic which most often didn't work, I woke up at 4am in the morning and return home late at night (9pm). This was my routine as a mum 2 years ago.

Why am I sharing this story on International Women's Day?

I still work the normal 9 am - 5pm job as a mum but right now, things are so different from how it used to be two(2) years ago and reflecting on my journey as a career woman I think it's worth mentioning that flexible working arrangements and WFH options lessen the struggles of work-life balance a little. 

So I want to add this to the many achievements worth celebrating on this day and to say Kudos to; 

  • all the incredible women in the world who have fought and still fighting to to make the world a better place for the women;
  •  to nations, institutions and companies who have joined in this fight and are implementing policies that support women and championing policies like parental leaves, flexible working arrangements, mentorship, inclusivity and diversity etc.

I personally think we are celebrating this day because of the many who didn't give up on womanhood, the many who believed women are made for more. 

Happy International Women's Day! Women deserve a better and equal World!


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